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Why Supplement Brands Hire Legal Consultants

Supplement companies produce pills, powders, liquid, and tablets formulated to deliver critical supplements to consumers. Supplements may contain minerals, vitamins, and botanicals.

Supplements are formulated to perform specific tasks. A person might take a supplement to compensate for a vitamin deficiency. Another consumer may take supplements formulated to address specific medical issues, such as reducing the effects of aging or alleviating fatigue. Supplement companies can be sued for several reasons. Supplement companies can protect their business and their brand by having a lawyer on staff.

What services do supplement companies provide?

Supplement companies formulate, produce, and distribute vitamins, minerals, and other supplement products. For example, Leading Edge Health sells several supplements, including products such as GenF20 Plus. GenF20 Plus is promoted as a supplement designed to reduce fatigue and improve the consumer’s metabolic rate. The supplement is intended to boost Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels and contains several natural products, including astragalus root extract, colostrum, and deer antler velvet.

What legal risks do supplement companies have?

To effectively promote products, businesses must convince consumers they need the product. Whether they’re intended to increase your vitamin D levels or improve your sex drive, supplements are designed to produce a specific physical benefit for consumers. Although supplement manufacturers are prohibited from making medical claims, supplement information often infers medical claims. Consumers who do not experience the promoted benefits may sue the supplement company for false claims.

In the United States, supplement companies are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA may take action against supplement companies that don’t comply with labeling regulations.

Businesses are required to comply with the regulations in the jurisdiction where they sell their products. They must ensure their production complies with labor laws. Since business owners may sell goods in different states, provinces, and countries, it can be complex to navigate the legal regulations they must comply with.

Supplement companies must also ensure manufacturers use appropriate safety measures to produce quality products. This means supplement business owners must take appropriate steps to ensure they use up-to-date facilities utilizing state-of-the-art technology and distribute high-quality products.

Supplement companies also face security threats. Installing cloud-based security cameras can provide business owners with peace of mind, knowing they can prevent theft. Security cameras connect to a cloud storage system, so you do not need to provide local storage for the camera footage. Cloud-based video surveillance systems provide extensive video storage and can be programmed to send an alert to your mobile device if there’s a potential problem. With an internet connection and password, you can access the video footage through your mobile device and alert the authorities. These video surveillance systems may use digital video recorder (DVR) or network video recorder (NVR) systems.

The supplement market today is highly competitive, and intellectual property theft is a critical risk. Supplement companies can protect their intellectual property with appropriate security measures, including installing a video surveillance system. Companies also need to install firewalls and other security features to protect their data from hackers.

How do supplement companies benefit from hiring a lawyer?


Businesses receive several benefits from hiring a corporate lawyer. Malliha Wilson is a senior partner with Nava Wilson LLP, a law firm located in Toronto, Ontario. As an Ontario-based attorney, Malliha Wilson knows the Ontario government regulations businesses must follow. Wilson’s experience includes serving as the Assistant Deputy Attorney General and arguing cases before the Supreme Court of Canada. Wilson is uniquely qualified to advise your company of potential legal risks and steps to take to mitigate those risks with her diverse legal background.

Corporate lawyers establish business protocols for their clients to ensure they comply with applicable regulations and laws. They review situations and assess potential legal risks and develop strategies to reduce those risks. Companies that hire corporate lawyers before they establish their operations can also receive legal counsel about business structures to ensure they choose the right structure for their business. Corporate lawyers also review and prepare legal contracts and advise their clients of their legal options to ensure they make sound legal decisions and protect their company from liability risks. One of the specific benefits supplement companies receive is legal counsel about their packaging to ensure it complies with local regulations.

Supplements aren’t medications, and supplement companies must comply with specific manufacturing, packaging, and promotional regulations. Corporate lawyers are familiar with applicable business laws and take steps to ensure their clients comply with the law. Supplement companies benefit from hiring a corporate lawyer who can reduce their liability to protect them from lawsuits and ensure they make informed business decisions before entering into contracts with suppliers and distributors.

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